Andrea Bell

Andrea Bell / Emma Rigby


Game Journal Portrayed By
Betwixt Epoch bell_belle Emma Rigby

Basic Stats

Full Name: Andrea Marie Bell
Nickname(s): Andi
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Date of Birth: September 29, 1973
Zodiac: Libra
Sexuality: Straight
Relationship Status: Single
Bloodline: Halfblood
Hometown: Worcestershire, England
House & Year: Gryffindor 5th
Extracurriculars: Gryffindor Quidditch Cheer Squad
Pet: None


Father: Derek Bell (muggle; insurance salesman)
Mother: Maureen Bell (witch; creates & sells beauty potions)
Brother: Samuel Bell (muggle; rock star wannabe; b. 1971)
Sister: Katie Bell (witch; will be a Gryffindor; b. 1979)

The whole family lives together and eats dinner together almost every night (except for Andrea when she's off at school, but the rest of the family still eats together and Andrea does join them when she's home). She grew up mostly in the muggle suburbs, but with a witch mom, so magic was done around the house as long as it wasn't noticeable to the neighbors, so she knows a lot about both worlds.


She knows what she wants and she goes for it, usually no matter what. She decided in her third year that she wanted to be an Auror, and she has been racing toward that full-force ever since. She is friendly, though, sometimes annoyingly so. She also has a tendency to stick up for the underdog. She's big on justice and fairness and things like that, so she hates cheating (of any kind, but particularly on assignments and exams). She has morals and she knows what they are, and she sticks by them, even if it might be "cooler" to go against them, even a little. She's not easily swayed by peer pressure (except when it comes to something harmless, like her hair, though she still prefers it in ponytails and braids and such to being big and volumatic). Oh, and she has a killer sense of humour and a knack for sarcasm.