Laura Strout

Laura Strout / Leslie Bibb


Game Journal Portrayed By
Betwixt Epoch other_strout Leslie Bibb

Basic Stats

Full Name: Laura Elaine Strout
Nickname(s): None
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Date of Birth: September 18, 1971
Zodiac: Virgo
Sexuality: Straight
Relationship Status: Single
Bloodline: Pureblood
House & Year: Ravenclaw 7th
Extracurriculars: None
Pet: None


Father: William Strout (wizard; Healer: Creature-Induced Injuries)
Mother: Beatrice Strout (witch; Healer: Magical Bugs)
Sister: Miriam Strout (witch; Healer: Spell Damage)

Because Miriam followed her parents into the world of healing, she is their golden child, the one who receives all of their attention. William and Beatrice don't really realize that they're hurting their other daughter as much, she always seemed so strong and resilient when she was a child that they don't think she needs the encouragement and nurturing that Miriam always shone for. Miriam dearly loves her little sister and wishes that Laura didn't hate her so much, but she's not so good at the sisterly bonding thing, and she thinks the age difference (eight years) makes sisterly conversations awkward.


Laura grew up somewhat in the shadow of her older sister. At first, she tried to be exactly like her sister, but when she saw that she still wasn't getting the attention she craved, she started rebelling. Still not getting attention from her parents, Laura became frustrated and very determined to not only become wholly her own person, but to also excel and do well in whatever she sets her mind on, so as to prove to her parents that she actually is a worthwhile person, and that they should have spent more time with her when she was growing up. As such, she doesn't buy into mob mentality or trends or fads or anything like that. In fact, she will argue vociferously against people being such mindless followers. If someone tells her she "should" do something, she'll demand to know why. "Everyone else is" will get nothing but a laugh from her, followed by a very long rant about how doing something just because others are does nothing but lessen your own personality and creativity and turn you into a mindless drone who has to be told what to do and think and say. Her tattoo (a white dove on her left shoulder blade) and navel piercing aren't "oh, I'm a rebel, look at me" kind of things, but rather "my parents can't tell me what I can and cannot do with my own body, it's my body and I'm the only one who can decide what to do with it" (also, she knows that Miriam would rather die than do that, and what her sister would or wouldn't do often affects her decisions). If there was a debate team at Hogwarts, she would most certainly be on it, and no matter what Elsie tried, she would never join the Ravenclaw Quiddich Cheer Squad (partly because Miriam had been on the Hufflepuff one). Generally, she doesn't care what people think of her, unless they think she's like her sister: that is something she would rather die than to hear.

Her parents are something of well-known healers and, obviously, were a bit disappointed that Laura didn't follow their lead, as Miriam had. Miriam had been well-loved in many of her classes and by many professors in her years at Hogwarts, so Laura found herself compared to her older sister, especially in her early years, when Miriam's memory was fresh in her former professors' minds. Also, she's something of a rebel, but not a "hey let's go out and get drunk / stoned / steal things" rebel ... because that's what people expect teenagers to do. She's really more of a non-conformist.