Alice Chevalier

Alice Chevalier / Tuppence Middleton


Game Journal Portrayed By
Confundo alicedear Tuppence Middleton

Basic Stats

Full Name: Alice Marie Chevalier
Nickname(s): Al, Ali
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Date of Birth: July 8, 1960
Zodiac: Cancer
Sexuality: Straight
Relationship Status: Dating Frank Longbottom
Bloodline: Pureblood
Hometown: London, England
House & Year: Gryffindor 7th
Extracurriculars: Prefect; choir (soprano); charms club; dueling club
Wand: 11 in, redwood with black walnut handle, unicorn tail hair
Pet: Orange tabby kitten (Tigger)


Father: Marc Louis Chevalier (wizard; Beauxbatons 1953; barrister in the Dept. of International Magical Cooperation; b. April 17, 1935)
Mother: Rebecca Jane Chevalier (née Banges; witch; Hufflepuff 1954; photographer: Daily Prophet; b. February 27, 1936)
Brother: Henri Joseph Chevalier (wizard; b. December 23, 1975)
Brother: David Nicholas Chevalier (wizard; b. December 23, 1975)


Marc Chevalier met Rebecca Banges in a rather odd locale: the women's loo of a restaurant in a small wizarding village just outside of Paris, France, in the summer of 1956, where Rebecca was vacationing with her boyfriend, Damien Miller, and Marc was visiting his fiancée, Aimée Duchard. Aimée had fallen ill, and Marc had gone with her into the loo, where he ran into Rebecca, who was washing her hands at the sink. Although both were in the restaurant with their respective signficant others, sparks flew between the two. Two years later, after both relationships had fallen apart, Marc and Rebecca ran into each other again in Marc's hometown of Marseille. This time, the young French barrister and British photographer spent some time talking and getting to know each other. Less than a year later, Marc transferred from the French Ministry of Magic to the British one, and he moved to London with his new bride.

Their first child, a daughter whom they named Alice Charlotte, was born on 8 July, 1960. They were thrilled to have a child, and doted upon her, showering her with love and affection, such that she grew up in a very loving and warm environment, which helped shape her into a very loving and warm child. Marc and Rebecca felt as though their lives were quite busy enough, too busy to keep up with more than one child, so Alice remained an only child throughout her childhood.

Shortly after her eleventh birthday in 1971, Alice received letters both from her mother's alma mater of Hogwarts as well as from her father's alma mater of Beauxbatons. After much discussion that summer, the family agreed to send Alice to Hogwarts. So, on 1 September, 1971, Alice boarded the Hogwarts Express, which took her off to Scotland for her first year. At the welcome feast and sorting, Alice was a bit nervous as she watched the other first years being sorted into the various houses. Her mother had told her all about the school, and about the sorting ceremony, and about the various houses, particularly her own: Hufflepuff. Alice knew that her mother hoped that she would be sorted into Hufflepuff, as well, but a part of her actually hoped for Gryffindor. She felt like she was brave enough for it. Perhaps the Sorting Hat read those thoughts in her head and granted her her choice, or perhaps Gryffindor truly was the best fit for her; regardless, while the Hat did comment that she would do well in either Gryffindor or Hufflepuff, it ultimately called out "Gryffindor!" for her.

Alice's early years at Hogwarts were rather unremarkable: she did well in her classes (thanks to a desire to do well that drove her to study hard), she made friends, and she was just a typical student. The summer between her fourth and fifth years came with a big surprise: her parents announced that Rebecca was pregnant again (this time with twins). Despite having been an only child for fifteen years, Alice was excited about the prospect of having baby brothers or sisters (or one of each). On 23 December, 1975, Alice's twin brothers were born, David and Henri. She was thrilled to be able to have been home when they were born. By the time she came home again for the summer holidays, the twins were nearly seven months old and already crawling. Although she had never really spent too much time with young children before her brothers were born, she came to absolutely love babies and little children.

When it came time to choose her N.E.W.T.-level classes, Alice knew exactly which classes she wanted to take: those required for admittance to the Healer programme at St. Mungo's. Although she was still torn between the idea of being a Healer and the idea of being an Auror, the class requirements were essentially the same, so as long as she strove toward the Healer goal, the Auror one would still remain in her grasp, so she would be covered no matter what she ultimately decided upon.

Near the end of her sixth year, Alice started taking notice of a fellow sixth year: a Hufflepuff named Frank Longbottom. They'd had a few classes together, of course, but she hadn't really noticed him, or at least not in that way. But suddenly she did, and she wasn't entirely sure what to do about it. Although she would be happy to push her friends toward the boys they liked, she was positive that there was no way he'd be interested in her, and was therefore hesitant to push herself at him. So, ever since, she has just crushed on him from afar.

Of course, it just so happened that that summer, she took her attention off her twin brothers just long enough for them to get some combination of gum and other sticky stuff all caught up in her hair in such a tangled, sticky mess that there was no solution but to just cut it all off. Alice had kept her hair long for so long that it was suddenly weird to feel her head so much lighter, to feel air on the back of her neck. Even now, months later, she's still not quite used to the short hair. She finds herself trying to keep brushing past the ends of her hair, and pouring too much shampoo into her hands. On the plus side, it doesn't fall into her face as much when she's studying.

The summer did bring positive news, too: her roommate Lily Evans, prefect of their dorm, was made Head Girl, and Alice was given her newly-vacated Prefect position. She was thrilled to have the responsibility, and her parents were thrilled for her as well. They bought her a cat as a congratulatory gift: an orange tabby kitten whom she named Tigger.


Overall, Alice is a cheerful, sweet, charming girl with an amazingly big optimistic side and practically no bad side to speak of. She is the kind of squeaky-clean girl that all parents want to have, the polite and chivalrous girl who always has a ready ear to talk to and shoulder to cry on. She sees the shiny happy side of life, the upside to every down, the silver lining to every dark cloud. The glass is perpetually half-full, if not completely full. She is so sweet that you could almost get cavities from being around her for too long (okay, that's a bit of an overexaggeration). Alice is sentimental to a fault and a hopeless, incurable romantic. While she's no damsel in distress, she's definitely on the lookout for her own Prince Charming.

Her dreams primarily center around being useful and helpful, more than just a housewife and mother. She does want to be a mother, yes, but she wants to have a job, as well, preferably one where she can help people. Right now, Healer and Auror are pretty well tied at the top of her list for future careers, and it's a serious stressor for her right now, trying to decide ultimately which career path to take after she finishes school in just a few months.

Alice has a tendency to chew on her lower lip and toy with her hair when she's thinking, so she usually pulls her hair up into a ponytail when she's working on homework, just so that she doesn't try to toy too much with her hair (even with her hair newly short, she can still manage to get most of it into the world's tiniest ponytail). Even still, she tends to get ink smudged on her fingertips, then transferred to her hair or her ear (from tucking stray hair behind her ear, that is) in the course of writing essays.

STRENGTHS: With regards to academics, Alice's main strengths are in Charms and Defense Against the Dark Arts, though she is skilled enough in Transfiguration, Herbology, and Potions to have pulled through those classes with high O.W.L. scores. Outside of academics, one of Alice's greatest strengths is her incredible optimism and cheerfulness. Nothing can get her down for long, and she can inevitably find the upside of any bad situation, the silver lining of any dark cloud.

She is also steadfastly loyal. If you have a friend in Alice, you have a friend for life. She will be there for her friends, through thick and thin, come hell or high water. If you are her friend, she will stand up for you until the end of time. It takes a great deal of work to lose her as a friend once you have her, and you have to really be trying to do so. Alice is also very loyal to her house, she would cheer for the Gryffindor Quidditch team until her throat was raw, and she does not take well to people speaking poorly of her house; in fact, she's quick to defend her house to any nay-sayers.

Another strength of Alice's is her strong sense of responsibility. She likes being seen as responsible and mature, it makes her feel more like an adult instead of a little kid. Being made a prefect for her seventh year at Hogwarts (to replace friend and roommate Lily Potter being made Head Girl!) was like a dream come true for Alice: finally, a chance to show how responsible she could be. But rest assured: if you ask Alice to do something (and it's reasonably within her means to do it) or she promises you something, she will do it to the best of her ability.

WEAKNESSES: Again with regards to academics, Alice is a bit weak on the theory part of academia. If she can get her hands on something, she shines, but hours of lecture or poring through books to write essays is hard for her. She really learns best through hands-on experience, so classes such as History of Magic were a real struggling point for her (so much, in fact, that she unfortunately only managed to scrape together a P on her History of Magic O.W.L.).

Outside of academics, another weakness of Alice's is her trusting, open-hearted nature. Because it is so easy to earn her trust and so hard to lose it, she sometimes ends up trusting the wrong people, the kinds who can then exploit her trust for their own gain. She also tends to put others before herself and finds it hard to say no, which then leads to her being something of a doormat at times. Of course, she wouldn't consider this to be a weakness, because she's just being nice and helping out a friend.

At times, her desire to be helpful can come across as meddling, because she will sometimes try to help (read: butt in) when not specifically asked. She only means it out of the kindness and goodness of her heart, but she just doesn't realise that her unaskedfor help can come across as annoying and unwanted.

LIKES: Frank, cats, flowers (particularly daisies and sunflowers), strawberries, chocolate, mint-flavoured ice cream, peppermint toads, Drooble's Best Blowing Gum, Honeydukes Fudge, bouillabaisse (her paternal grandparents prepare it every time Alice and her family visit them in Marseille), hot tea with honey, dancing, children, watching the rain (preferably from inside where it's cozy, warm, and dry).

DISLIKES: Pumpkin (in food or beverage), overly spicy foods, Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans (there's too many of the gross flavours and not enough of the good ones), people who intentionally harm others, mice, coffee.


What is your idea of perfect happiness?
Okay, this is going to sound corny, but being married, with a child or two, and a job where I'm helping people. I'm still not sure if that's Healing or being an Auror, but no matter what, it would be something where I'm making a difference.
What is your greatest fear?
Losing the people I care about, especially if there's something I could have done to prevent it.
What is the trait you most deplore in others?
The main trait I deplore in others is purism. The notion that anyone is better than anyone else based solely on who their ancestors are is just … disgusting.
What do you do when you get nervous?
I chew on my lower lip and toy with my hair.
What do you do when you get angry?
I'm not actually angry all that often. Or I try to not get angry, anyway. I guess when I do get really angry, I'm liable to yell, but I really try to not take my anger out on people, or at least not out on people who didn't provoke the anger in the first place.
What do you do when you get happy?
Happiness, on the other hand, I love to share with everyone! I do try to be tactful about it, though, like if I know somebody's having a hard time, I don't want to seem like I'm gloating with my happiness.
What do you do when you are sad?
I give Tigger a hug.
Do you have any interesting habits? If so, please list them.
I have a slight French accent to my speech. It isn't always totally noticeable, but it's there, and it's mostly due to growing up hearing my father's thick French accent, and from vacations in France with his family. I like to bake. It's hard to do so at school, but at home, I bake a lot. Especially if I'm stressed. Oh, and I save all my Drooble's Best Blowing Gum wrappers. I don't even remember when or why I started, but I've kept them all for as long as I can remember. I could probably cover my walls in my room at home with them.
On what occasion do you lie?
I don't like lying. Though I suppose that if I decide to go the Auror route and I'm ever captured, I'd have to lie about whatever information they're trying to get out of me. But in the everyday, I just don't like it. I can't imagine having to keep track of what you lied about so that you don't trip yourself up.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
I guess I'd make myself a bit more daring. I don't really take chances or throw myself out there all that much.
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Being made Prefect.
What is your greatest regret?
Taking my attention away from my brothers last summer. I miss my long hair, it's weird having it so short.
What is your motto?
Anything worth having is worth working hard and fighting for.