Vivian Richardson
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Basic Stats
Full Name: Vivian Marie Richardson
Nickname(s): Viv, Vivi
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Date of Birth: July 1, 2001
Zodiac: Cancer
Sexuality: Straight
Relationship Status: Single
Bloodline: Halfblood (squib father)
Hometown: Tinworth, England
House & Year: Gryffindor 7th
Extracurriculars: Astronomy Club: student leader (formerly), Film Club
Political Party: Centre-right. There are parts she disagrees with, and she believes that all of wizarding kind (including squibs) are equal, but... it's the status quo, isn't it? Keep on keeping on?
Father: Charles Richardson (squib; 39; co-owner of In Bloom)
Mother: Annabel Richardson (née [Maiden]; witch; 37; Ravenclaw 1999; co-owner of In Bloom)
Grandfather: Colin Richardson (wizard; 67; Gryffindor 1969; retired)
Grandmother: Elizabeth Richardson (née [maiden]; witch; 67; Hufflepuff 1969; retired)
Aunt: Eden Spencer (née Richardson; witch; 34; Ravenclaw 2002; potionere, co-owner of Spencer Apothecary)
Uncle: Raymond Spencer (34; wizard; Ravenclaw 2002; co-owner of Spencer Apothecary)
Cousins: Ray Spencer Jr (7) & Lainey Spencer (2)
- Charles Richardson was the squib son of Colin and Elizabeth. They kept it hushed up, explaining away his absence from Hogwarts as him being sickly. He spent a lot of time in the garden of his parents' herbology shop.
- When his parents took Annabel [maiden] on as an apprentice, Charles fell in love with her, and his parents were happy to be able to marry him to a witch.
- Vivian was their only child, and much like her father, she spent a lot of time in the herbology shop (and also her aunt's apothecary).
- Unlike her father, though, she was a witch and went off to Hogwarts when she turned eleven. She was sorted into Gryffindor, though she wasn't really sure how "brave" she had felt in those moments as she walked up to the sorting hat.
- But she absolutely loved Gryffindor, the house was so full of life and energy, a far cry from her quiet and sedate home life.
- When asked about her parents, she did as she was coached her whole life: she focused on her parents owning the shop, how it's a family business, but making no mentions of her father's status; she simply let people assume that he was magical, as well.
- Her first two years were relatively easy, but in her third year The Famous Harry Potter arrived, and it seemed like things just went crazy from there. A troll in the dungeons, the Defense professor disappearing at the end of the year, students being petrified, their new Defense professor also left under mysterious circumstances, dementors, a crazed murderer breaking into their common room, their new Defense professor turned out to be a werewolf.
- After her O.W.L.s, she dropped most of her classes except her passions: herbology and potions (blame growing up in the family shops), astronomy, and transfiguration (she's skilled at it, and hopes to become an animagus). Even if Defense had been a passion, she would have had to drop it anyway, her score on her O.W.L. for that was dismal, thanks to the constant changes in curriculum.
- Sixth year brought the tournament. Having only just turned 16 over the summer, Vivian was too young to put her name in the goblet (not that she would, but being able to prove that lineage doesn't matter?), but she cheered the twins on as they tried it anyway. She was somewhat torn on how she felt about Harry being chosen as a fourth champion. But of course, crazy things just always happened around him. She cheered for both Cedric and Harry, though.
- The sudden, shocking death of Cedric Diggory affected her, of course. She wasn't particularly close to him, but he was a friendly guy and they'd had classes together for six years, not to mention that everything surrounding his sudden death was mysterious.
- For now, she generally believes the Ministry, more because she wants it to be true. She changes the subject any time YKW is brought up, burying her head in the sand. She just wants to finish her schooling and graduate so she can go to work for her parents (or her aunt).
- Really enjoyed Astronomy Club because it gave her the opportunity to spend time with fellow astronomy geeks. She tried her best to get Astronomy Club reinstated after all clubs were disbanded, but ultimately the club stayed disbanded. But it's fine, she can still look at the stars.
- loyal
- motherly
- sentimental
- avoidant
- secretive
- insecure
- Stress-bakes. And then shoves baked goods on everyone.
- Is the most loyal Gryffindor EVER. Full-face makeup for Quidditch matches, your house is your family, Gryffindors take care of each other. She is a lioness and Gryffindor is her pride.
- Is also a very steadfast and loyal friend. She would walk over hot coals for her friends, she will defend them to her dying breath.
- Loves astronomy because it's something that she can share with her dad: you don't need to be magical to love, understand, and study the stars. She has fond memories of stretching out on the roof of the shop with her father, picking out real constellations and making up some of their own (complete with stories).
- Really really bad at confrontation. She tries to avoid it as much as possible, and simply pretends that unpleasant things don't exist.