Jolene Spencer

Jolene Spencer / Lene Marlin


Game Journal Portrayed By Fairy Tale
Fairly Tales jo_mama_dances Lene Marlin Paper Ballerina
The Steadfast Tin Soldier

Basic Stats

Full Name: Jolene Kelly Spencer
Nickname(s): Jo
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Date of Birth: October 14, 1986
Zodiac: Libra
Sexuality: Straight
Relationship Status: Single
Hometown: New York City, New York
Occupation: Dancer; waitress; barista
Pet: None


Father: Trent Spencer (lawyer)
Mother: Alexis Spencer (interior designer)
Brother: Michael Spencer (older; slacker)


Jolene started out life a long long time ago. She wasn't Jolene then, she actually didn't have a name. In fact, she wasn't even an actual person. She was a paper ballerina who spent the entirety of her life balanced delicately on one foot, the other raised high into the air. Through this all, she didn't really notice that she was being watched by a broken tin soldier who had fallen in love with her. In fact, for nearly her entire life, she didn't even know he existed. It was quite sad, really. And then one day, the little tin soldier was thrown into the hearth, and a bit later a door being thrown open caused a draft to fling the paper ballerina who eventually became Jolene into the hearth with the Tin Soldier. She was instantly consumed by the flames and the brave little tin soldier who had gone through so much to try to get to her melted into the shape of a little tin heart.

Jolene doesn't really remember much of this. She grew up on the Upper East Side of New York City, living a perfectly normal, non-papery life. Well, she had paper in her life, since she had to go to school and all that, but she was flesh and bone and blood and muscle, just like all the other perfectly normal people around her, such as her family. They were all perfectly normal people, her mom Alexis an interior designer, her dad Trent a lawyer, and her older brother Michael a slacker who will maybe eventually become a lawyer like Dad. Maybe. Jolene, the dreamer of the family, aspired to a different occupation than everyone else: she wanted to be a dancer. Ever since her parents took her to see The Nutcracker when she was four, she's loved dance. Her parents indulged their younger child's dreams of becoming a dancer — positive as they were that she would grow out of it — and Jolene began dance classes. She started out with ballet like every little girl who wants to be a dancer, but later moved on to jazz, modern, and hip hop styles. Nowadays, she dances whenever and wherever she can.

Of course, Trent and Alexis would prefer it if Jolene went to college to get a "real" job and "grew up," but Jolene has always had a seemingly gifted ability and deep love for dance. It was when she was seventeen that her past life as a fairy tale character came to her. If asked, she couldn't really say exactly how she knew, she just did. This was all confirmed when she was approached by someone who explained it all to her and presented her with a journal and an invitation to come to a place called the Pentamerone. Although she didn't take them up on the invitation right away, her parents kicked her out when she graduated from high school (after the ultimatum of "go to college and we'll support you, otherwise you make your own way") and she moved into the Pentamerone temporarily while she got her feet under herself. In exchange for staying there, she helped with the cleaning and occasionally assisted the librarians, but once she managed to build up enough money from various part time jobs, she moved into a very tiny and not wholly wonderful apartment, but she loves it because it's hers. It's decorated in a very eclectic and varied manner (she didn't quite inherit her mother's interior decorating skills), but the mismatch suits her.