Megan Marple

Megan Marple / Mary Elizabeth Winstead


Game Journal Portrayed By
Fall City mmarple Mary Elizabeth Winstead

Basic Stats

Full Name: Megan Marie Marple
Nickname(s): Meg
Gender: Female
Age: 28
Date of Birth: January 5, 1990
Zodiac: Capricorn
Sexuality: Straight
Relationship Status: Dating Elijah Griggs
Place of Birth: Fall City, WA
Neighborhood: Willow Oaks
Occupation: Librarian; part-time employee @ Bits and Bobs
Pet: None


Father: TBD Marple (short haul trucker; 55)
Mother: TBD Marple (née TBD; job; 54)
Brother: TBD Marple (job; age)

Uncle: Gregory Marple (veterinarian; 58)
Aunt: Anabel Marple (née Alvarez; owner of Benbow Twin; 54)
Cousin: Camila Marple (assistant; 33)
Cousin: Eva Marple (employee @ Bellowes Inn; 28)


Megan is the oldest child of TBD and TBD Marple. She never had a cushy life: her father worked at the mill, and her mother worked at TBD, so Megan and her younger brother TBD were often left to their own devices, shunted off onto friends and family to be watched while their parents worked. Their chores consisted of pretty much taking care of the house and cooking on their own, since their parents were so busy.

She was always jealous of those around her who came from money, especially girls like Alice March. She wasn't unfriendly, just found it difficult to be friendly with them because they had so much. But when Alice died when they were seven, Megan was shaken: kids weren't supposed to die! That was also, unfortunately, when things started to go downhill for their family. When the mill closed, [DAD] lost his job and had to scramble to suddenly look for work alongside everyone else who had also just lost their jobs. [MOM] had to work even longer hours to keep food on the table while [DAD] looked for work. He finally got a job as a short haul trucker. It wasn't the most glamorous or well-paying job, but it brought in enough money to keep the family afloat, and unlike the long haul truckers, he was able to be home more often than not.

Throughout her years at school, Megan floated along, completely unfocused on a future. She managed decent grades, but homework often fell to the wayside so that she could help keep the house running smoothly (not to mention that as soon as she was old enough, she started picking up part-time work), so her grades were never stellar. She had no idea what she wanted to do with her future, just that she didn't want to stay here in Fall City. Unfortunately, though she was accepted to a couple of colleges, she couldn't afford to go (and didn't qualify for any scholarships), so without going off to college, and without the money to pick up and move somewhere new, in Fall City did she stay. She managed to get a job at the library after graduation, and also picked up a part-time job at the craft store.

In the decade since, Megan has just continued floating along. She's pretty much resigned herself to this life, that there's nothing greater out there for her. She still dreams of packing up and moving away, but that dream just never gets any closer.


Having grown up poor (and still not exactly rolling in the dough), Megan learned how to make the most of what little she had, so she can fix most little things on her own, and tends not to ask for help. She is jealous of those around her with more money (especially her cousin's family), and longs for the easy life that money could bring.

Positive Traits
  1. resourceful
  2. adaptable
  3. nurturing
  4. loyal
  5. punctual (if you're on time, you're late)
Neutral Traits
  1. frugal
  2. private
  3. quiet
  4. casual
  5. touch-seeking (she doesn't like being disconnected from people, and pretty much needs constant casual touches, nothing romantic about it)
Negative Traits
  1. aimless
  2. jealous
  3. cynical (she prefers to say "realistic")
  4. lazy
  5. suspicious (also "realistic" because everyone is hiding something)
