Daine Sarrasri
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Basic Stats
Full Name: Veralidaine Sarrasri
Nickname(s): Daine. Magelet to Numair
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Sexuality: Straight
Relationship Status: Involved with Numair Salmalín
Home World: Tortall
Residence: Eisley Village
Role in the Realm: Protector. After so many years of protecting her adoptive home of Tortall from enemies from all realms, she isn't even sure she remembers what a "normal" life is, or downtime. She would likely serve best as a scout, considering her ability to shift into any animal, which makes scouting really easy. That was, after all, her primary role in most of the sieges she was a part of. She's also extremely skilled with a long bow, crossbow, and sling, though any more modern weapons would be useless in her hands at first (though she is always willing to learn new weapons. Except swords, those are for the nobility!).
She also volunteers at All Walks, the Mu animal shelter. It brings her a lot of comfort to be surrounded by animals, when she's so removed from her loved ones (and assorted animals).
Da: Weiryn, a minor god of the hunt
Ma: Sarra Beneksri, made a minor goddess (The Green Lady, goddess of childbirth, sickness, and affairs of the heart) following her death
Grandda: Benek
Powers and Skills
- Wild Magic: Daine pretty much brims with wild magic. Thanks to years of honing this power, she can communicate with any animal, can bend animals' wills to her own, can heal animals, and can shape-shift into them.
- Archery: Her grandda taught her to use a bow and arrow, and even as a young teenager she was a better shot than nearly every adult around her. She can use both a longbow and a crossbow, and is equally skilled with a slingshot. She has both great speed and great accuracy with all three.
Personality & Background
- Stubborn: Don't try to tell Daine what to do (or not to do) because she will probably try it anyway. Unless they're actual orders. But, I mean, this is the girl who actually literally stopped her heart when she was trying to talk to the dolphins (she didn't realize at the time that she was actually stopping her heart by pushing the sound out of her mind, she was new to meditation and to deliberately calling upon her powers; also she was tired!).
- Compassionate: Mostly towards animals and those who are often overlooked or brushed past (servants and slaves [she finds slavery appalling], children, the downtrodden and homeless), but it does extend to grown two-leggers. She converses far more easily with animals than humanfolk, and children more easily than grown-ups, but once she's more accustomed to folk, she finds it easier to talk to them.
- Temperamental: She is not as quick to anger as the famed Lioness, but when you have reached Daine's breaking point, LOOK OUT. When she had thought that the Carthaki Emperor had killed Numair (after kidnapping her and locking her in a windowless room), she sent her power out as wide as she could and enlisted the assistance of every animal to cripple the Carthaki army, she used the temporary powers granted her by the Graveyard Hag to awaken all the dinosaur fossils in the museum, and then she almost completely razed the palace to the ground.
- Sense of Humor: She's far from being next in line as Court Jester, but Daine has a decent sense of humor to her. It can be dry, and dark at times, but she enjoys a good joke, as long as it's not at anyone's expense.
- Diet: As a child and into her teens, Daine ate a hunter's diet: if it could be caught or shot, it was food, supplemented with that which could be planted or foraged. As she grew into her powers and experienced being hunted herself, she stopped eating game, as she had grown too close to those animals. In terms of meat, she is down to mutton, chicken, and fish (much to her da's disappointment).
Canon Information
- Born in Snowsdale, Galla, to Sarra Beneksri, a midwife in the village who was looked down upon for having a child out of wedlock (and for the men who were always coming around).
- Sarra and Benek were killed, and the house burned, by bandits who hit the village while Daine was visiting the next valley over. She went crazy for a while, joining the local pack of wolves to kill the bandits, and even her mind and mannerisms went "wolf" for a while. After the villagers tried to kill her, she and her pony Cloud took to the mountains, and while they were on the run, Cloud helped her return to her self.
- Daine got a job as assistant to the hostler for the Queen's Riders, which brought her into Tortall and introduced her to her new family, and especially to Numair Salmalín, her mentor and eventual lover.
- Numair, being an expert on wild magic, helped Daine learn about, and learn how to control, her powers. The most important thing he did to help her was to place a barrier in her mind, keeping her magic from seeping into her Self, so that she would never have to worry about going wild and losing herself again.
- Over the four years she spent helping to defend Tortall from the combined threat of Carthakis and Immortals, Daine learned to control and expand her wild magic, and "acquired" the dragon Skysong ("Kitten"), the basilisk Tkaa, and a pygmy marmoset she named Zekoi.
- At 16, in the midst of the war, she and Numair were pulled into the Divine realm by her parents: Weiryn, a minor god of the hunt; and Sarra, who had been brought there after her death by Weiryn, and she became The Green Lady, a minor goddess of women and childbirth. This was the first time she learned who her da was (her ma had never told her in life). She was greatly conflicted: on the one hand, she had desperately missed her ma, and wanted to get to know her da, and it was unlikely they would be able to bring her back after she left; but on the other hand, Tortall was her home, and they needed her (and she needed Numair, not that she was really acknowledging that at this point). Ultimately, she knew that she could not simply sit around in the Divine realm and watch her friends through reflective surfaces, unable to help them, so she bade goodbye to her ma and da and journeyed through the Divine realm with Numair to ask the dragons for assistance in returning to Tortall. Although the dragons as a whole weren't keen on helping, Skysong's family agreed to take them home, and even to stay and help fight in the war.
- Once the war was over, Daine and Numair settled together in Corus, the capital of Tortall, and both also became teachers to the knights-in-training in the capital.
- In terms of timeline, Daine has been pulled into Mu about 8 years after the end of her own series, in the midst of the war with Scanra getting officially going.