Daine Sarrasri

Daine Sarrasri / Lenora Crichlow


Game Journal Portrayed By Fandom
Totally Fluxed wild_mage Lenora Crichlow Tortall

Basic Stats

Full Name: Veralidaine Sarrasri
Nickname(s): Daine. Magelet to Numair
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Sexuality: Straight
Relationship Status: Involved with Numair Salmalín
Home World: Tortall
Residence: Eisley Village
Role in the Realm: Protector. After so many years of protecting her adoptive home of Tortall from enemies from all realms, she isn't even sure she remembers what a "normal" life is, or downtime. She would likely serve best as a scout, considering her ability to shift into any animal, which makes scouting really easy. That was, after all, her primary role in most of the sieges she was a part of. She's also extremely skilled with a long bow, crossbow, and sling, though any more modern weapons would be useless in her hands at first (though she is always willing to learn new weapons. Except swords, those are for the nobility!).

She also volunteers at All Walks, the Mu animal shelter. It brings her a lot of comfort to be surrounded by animals, when she's so removed from her loved ones (and assorted animals).


Da: Weiryn, a minor god of the hunt
Ma: Sarra Beneksri, made a minor goddess (The Green Lady, goddess of childbirth, sickness, and affairs of the heart) following her death
Grandda: Benek

Powers and Skills

Personality & Background

Canon Information