Alice Jacobs

Alice Jacobs / Rachel McAdams


Game Journal Portrayed By
Historie alice_dear Rachel McAdams

Basic Stats

Full Name: Alice Marie Jacobs
Nickname(s): Ali
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Date of Birth: July 8, 1960
Zodiac: Cancer
Sexuality: Straight
Relationship Status: Single
Bloodline: Pureblood
Hometown: Lancashire, England
House & Year: Gryffindor 5th
Extracurriculars: None
Wand: 11 in, holly, wood rose
Pet: Grey tabby (Tigger)


Father: Neville Jacobs (wizard; Gryffindor 1955; Ministry worker)
Mother: Marie Jacobs (witch; Hufflepuff 1955)
Broher: Devin Jacobs (wizard; b. February 23, 1975)


Alice was a sweet, friendly Gryffindor who would have been almost at home in Hufflepuff as she was in Gryffindor. She had romantic ideals, believing in Once Upon a Time, Prince Charming, and Happily Ever After. Her best friend was roommate Lily Evans, and they could sometimes give the Marauders a run for their money with getting into mischief. Throughout the year, Alice fostered a crush on Gryffindor sixth year Frank Longbottom, and although she attended the Yule Ball with James Potter (as friends), she and Frank did dance together.