Sarra Ketteridge

Sarra Ketteridge / Shannyn Sossamon


Game Journal Portrayed By
Historie aquapasto Shannyn Sossamon

Basic Stats

Full Name: Sarra Lirael Ketteridge
Nickname(s): None
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Date of Birth: July 30, 1955
Zodiac: Leo
Sexuality: Flexible
Relationship Status: Single, but vaguely involved with both Callum Quince and Mathiew Lenier
Bloodline: Halfblood
Hometown: Birmingham, England; Paris, France
House & Year: Hufflepuff 1973
Occupation: Painter
Wand: 14.125 in, almond, siren's eyelash
Pet: None


Father: Langford Ketteridge (wizard; Gryffindor 1950)
Mother: Mildred Ketteridge (muggle)


The only child of a well-to-do wizard and a muggle, Sarra grew up with full knowledge of the wizarding world, but also plenty of knowledge of the muggle world, as well (mostly the arts: museums, plays, operas). At the age of five, she fell in love with painting and has not stopped since. By ten, she had the makings of a prodigy. At eleven, despite her wishes to be homeschooled so that she could spend more time painting, she was sent to Hogwarts at the insistence of her father, who wanted her to have a more well-rounded education. The sorting hat took an unusually long amount of time to sort her, as even it could not figure out where best to put her. It finally placed her in Hufflepuff, but she felt as though she was a puzzle piece in the wrong space during her entire seven years there. She barely scraped by with a few O.W.L.s and even fewer N.E.W.T.s (which she only sat through on her father's insistence), preferring to concentrate more on her painting than on her studies. Upon finishing school, she bade farewell to the few friends that she had made at Hogwarts and took off for Paris to live as a struggling artist. In early 1976, she reconnected with former roommate Magdala Quince and her brother, Callum. What was originally a one-night stand between Callum and Sarra bloomed into a tentative relationship, which was not helped along by Sarra's relationship with Mathieu Lenier, a Parisian gallery owner who often purchased her paintings "plus a bit more," as well as Sarra's friendship with Callum's sister.