James Cummings

James Cummings / Zooey Deschanel


Game Journal Portrayed By
Project Psi firetamer Zooey Deschanel

Basic Stats

Full Name: James Evan Cummings
Nickname(s): Jaycee
Alias: Firetamer
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Date of Birth: July 30, 2002
Zodiac: Leo
Sexuality: Straight
Relationship Status: Single
Hometown: Virginia, near D.C.
Residence: Wooded Acres Apartments
Generation: Second
Power: Heat/fire manipulation
Abilities: Can generate fires and extinquish those she created herself; can control any fire, whether started by herself, others, or naturally; although she can control fires started by other heat and fire manipulators, if the creator is specifically controlling their own fire, she cannot gain control of it; the larger the fire, the more concentration it takes to control it; can absorb fire into herself; can come into direct contact with fire and not be burned; heat and high temperatures do not bother her; when cold, she can warm herself up; she can heat up small objects by concentrating on them.
Occupation: Works for the Springfield Fire Department
Pet: Laborador retriever (Riley)


Father: Evan Cummings (direct-influence mutant; omni-linguism; b. 1971)
Mother: Susan Cummings (née Wilson; human; b. 1972)


In July of 1997, Evan Cummings and Susan Wilson were married and settled down in the suburbs of Virginia, not far from Washington D.C. Evan, a lawyer, was very interested in the tests that the government ran on mutants. After much discussion with his wife, he volunteered for one of the governmental tests in 2000. After being injected with the drug, he began to be able to understand all languages. After the government was done running tests on him following the injection and his manifestation of powers, he was rewarded with a lucrative position as a translator for the United Nations.

In early January, 2002, Susan announced that she was pregnant. Evan and Susan were so positive that they would be having a son that they refused to let an ultrasound confirm (or deny) their belief and prepared to bring a baby boy into the world. Instead, on July 30, 2002, they welcomed a little girl. They decided that they would stick with the name that they were already attached to (James Evan Cummings) and just give it to their daughter, then just turn her into a tomboy.

In her infancy and young toddlerhood, James underwent a few genetic tests (as had all other children of mutants) and was confirmed to be a mutant when she was barely a year old. She confirmed it for herself when she was three and accidentally set her mother's curtains on fire. After that incident, Evan and Susan decided not to have any more children, so as to avoid similar incidents.

Although Evan and Susan tried to raise James as a tomboy, the young girl balked. As soon as she was old enough, she started fighting her mother about hair cuts (Susan tried to keep James' hair cut short) and was finally allowed to grow her hair long. She picked out skirts and dresses to wear and always wanted bows or braids in her hair. When she was ten, she started going by the nickname "Jaycee" (from her initials, J.C.) so as to ward off any teasing that would come about her name.

She attended school in the local public school district where her family lived in Virginia, with training on the side to help her learn to control her powers. She was in her senior year of high school in 2019 when legislation passed, segregating mutants and civilians into separate primary and secondary schools. James was one of the last few mutants to graduate from her high school, as the following school year saw the district split into two.

James went straight into college after graduating from high school, majoring in Psychology. She graduated after four years in 2023 with a GPA of 3.85 and immediately moved to Springfield, Rhode Island, where she had been offered a job with the Springfield Fire Department. James hopes to eventually go for a Ph.D. in psychology and work as a psychologist.