James Jaycee Cummings

Jaycee Cummings / Alicia Vikander


Game Journal Portrayed By
Stairs firetamer Alicia Vikander

Basic Stats

Full Name: James Evan Cummings
Nickname(s): Jaycee
Gender: Female
Age: 30
Date of Birth: July 30, 1988
Zodiac: Leo
Sexuality: Straight
Relationship Status: Single
Birthplace: Springfield, RI
Hometown: Washington, D.C.
Ability: Pyrokinesis
Job: Explorer; fire tamer


Father: Evan Cummings
Mother: Susan Cummings (née Wilson)

Daughter: Charlotte Anderson (water/mist mutant)
Baby-Daddy: Richard Anderson (ice mutant)


Jaycee was born to Evan and Susan Cummings, high school sweethearts who married shortly after graduation. They were absolutely positive that they were having a boy, so they didn't bother with ultrasounds to confirm (or deny) their belief. They were, therefore, quite surprised when the doctor announced "It's a girl!" They had already grown attached to the boy name they had picked out, so they simply attached it to their daughter anyway. Susan spent the first several years of her daughter's life trying to force "boy" interests on her, but she balked as soon as she was old enough to start making her preferences known, and that was also when she chose the nickname "Jaycee" from her initials: J. C. She still bore a lot of teasing throughout her years at school, simply for being the girl with the boy name (it wasn't yet trendy for girls to have obvious boy names in the 1990s).

It was in high school that Jaycee suddenly found herself wishing to go back to just being teased for her name. Another girl, Laura Hayes, who had been in her class since kindergarten, had spent their entire lives making it her mission to make Jaycee's life miserable, making sure that everyone knew her real name. In November of their sophomore year of high school, Jaycee had run to the girls' room to hide during lunch and ran into Laura and her posse. As Laura needled Jaycee, Jaycee's temper flared up... and so did Laura's hair. Laura was taken to the hospital and Jaycee was arrested by the police. After gathering witness statements, the police handed Jaycee off to The New England Facility For The Gifted ("The School" as all the mutants referred to it). Jaycee underwent tests, scans, examinations; she was poked and prodded, had blood drawn, was subject to a lifetime's worth of horrors.

But she was one of the lucky ones, who was given a semblance of freedom. The School saw something in her that they thought would be useful, so they got her training to learn how to control and improve her powers, and eventually she was given assignments with jobs to do on behalf of the government. Knowing that the penalty for not doing her assignments was death, she carried them out, but unhappily. Eventually she was even allowed to live outside of The School.

On New Year's Eve, 2012, Jaycee was on her way home from a job when she heard suspicious noises. Following them, she found a stairway. The top of the stairway didn't lead into another floor of the abandoned building it was in, but rather... a grassy field. And the stairway was gone. She had no idea where she was, or how she had arrived there, but she headed to the walled city that she could see in the distance. Once she arrived there, she was met by someone who was able to inform her where she was, that there would be no going back home, and more information than she had thought she would need. She stayed in the castle for a few weeks before she ended up drawn to a small, cozy townhouse. It was her home, though she couldn't tell you how she knew that. Once she got used to Abenterra, she set to work exploring not only the town but the doors and stairways, wanting to see what else was out there.


For Jaycee, there's a before and an after. Before, when she was first "the girl with the boy name" and then "the girl who lit her classmate's hair on fire," she was relatively quiet and shy. She tried to keep to herself and spent a lot of time reading. Once she was sent to The School, she came to enjoy the discipline of a regular training schedule, though she still mostly kept to herself. The after, upon her arrival in Abenterra, has given her opportunity to become who she always wished she could be, unshackled by the past and who she was. She is still introverted, still likes to spend time alone reading, but she's more confident in herself and her abilities. She loves to explore, she could spend the rest of her life just seeing what's Beyond.

Jaycee is also fond of "girly" things. After a childhood of her mother attempting to force "boy" interests on her, she embraced twirly skirts, long hair, experimenting with make-up, all things pink and glittery. She does dress sensibly when she's going exploring, but when she's just staying in Abenterra, she'll often wear dresses or skirts.


Pyrokinesis. Can generate fires and extinquish those she created herself; can control any fire, whether started by herself, others, or naturally; although she can control fires started by other heat and fire manipulators, if the creator is specifically controlling their own fire, she cannot gain control of it; the larger the fire, the more concentration it takes to control it; can absorb fire into herself; can come into direct contact with fire and not be burned; heat and high temperatures do not bother her; immune to any damage from smoke inhalation; when cold, she can warm herself up; she can heat up small objects by concentrating on them. Although she has come a long way in controlling her powers since the beginning, small objects near her may begin to smolder when she's feeling heightened negative emotions.


Arrival: Six years ago (December 31, 2012, was when James Evan Cummings disappeared without a trace.)
From where: An Earth very similar to ours, except that near the end of the twentieth century (1970s) people with enhanced abilities began showing up. Quickly dubbed mutants (thanks pop culture), the world's governments began scrambling to figure out what to do with them. By the time Jaycee's powers manifested in 2003, there were facilities in most of the first-world countries where mutants were gathered to be tested, examined, and (if deemed necessary) trained. Jaycee was stationed in Washington, D.C.
With what: Backpack, iPhone 5, lighter, sunglasses, a very battered and well-read copy of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, leather jacket, dark blue jeans, pink-and-purple flowered t-shirt, hiking boots, thankfully a few spare pairs of socks/underwear/bras and some extra clothes, toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, a lifetime supply (or so it sometimes seemed) of ponytail bands.
Home: A small townhouse in a more modern area of the town, which always happens to be close walking distance to whatever she needs.

Trivia / Random Facts