In Bloom
In Bloom is a herbology shop that I created for the game Six Degrees for my apprentice herbologist Rose Zeller to be working at. I then later copied it exactly for Effie Ketteridge at Sidelines, as one of her multiple jobs. I then later brought it to the game Hogweeds for my character Olivia Nettles' father to run. The differences for Hogweeds are noted in [brackets].
In Bloom
- The shop is located on Diagon Alley, past Gringotts. [for Hogweeds, it was located in Hogsmeade]
- The shop itself is made up of three parts:
- Plant Shop: A green-painted door from Diagon Alley leads you into this part of the shop, and windows look in on displays of potted plants. Here, you can buy clippings or seeds of a variety of plants, both magical and mundane. A licensed herbologist or apprentice herbologist is always on hand to provide you with information on what you're looking at, or to assist you in finding something particular. You can also order bouquets of flowers or potted plants, for delivery or pick up. In Bloom does not stock anything that is illegal to own or sell, and any dangerous plants (such as Devil's Snare) require a three-day waiting period and a background check.
- Gardening Center: An orange-painted door from Diagon Alley leads you into this part of the shop, and windows look in on displays of images of home gardens with some of the tools arranged on display. Here, you can buy all manner of supplies for your own home garden: soil, fertilizers, tools, weed-killers, and charmed items to keep gnomes and other pests away. If you have any questions about your home garden, this is the place to come for answers, and a licenesed herbologist or apprentice herbologist is always on hand to answer questions and steer you in the right direction.
- The two shops are connected by an open archway in the middle of the wall separating the two parts, so you can move freely between the two areas (and pay for your purchases at either cash register). The back of the plant shop and gardening center are blocked off from customers by a counter, where you can find the cash registers (one on each side). Some of the more dangerous items are located behind the counter, so you must ask for them. There is also a plain wooden door in the back of each shop, leading to the shared storeroom space behind the shops, and the stairs up to the apartment where the shop's owner lives.
- Greenhouse and Garden: Behind the shop, this area is surrounded by a tall fence that has been spelled to keep people from trying to climb over it. You can only access this area from the door in the shared storeroom. This is where all plants that are sold in the shop are grown, except for some plants (uncommon flowers, more heavily-regulated plants) that have to be special-ordered. Anything that cannot withstand the natural London [Hogweeds: Scotland] climate are grown in the greenhouse. Both garden and greenhouse get plenty of sun, whenever it's actually out, but the greenhouse provides artificial light for those that need more of it. Only employees or very very lucky patrons who know what they're doing are allowed in this back area.
- The shop was opened at this location in 1943 by a young man named Gary Moss. His son Ricky has run the shop since Gary retired in 2001, and he lives in the apartment above it with his wife Jennifer. Their two children (son Gary Jr and daughter Sarah) have moved out, though Gary Jr is a licensed herbologist and works in the shop with his father. When Ricky retires, Gary Jr will take over ownership and running of the shop. [Hogweeds: The shop was opened at this location in 1963 by a young man named Gary Moss. Malcolm Nettles has worked with him as his apprentice since 1998, and he took over running the shop in 2010. His children Olivia and Jake can often be seen helping out in the shop during the summer holidays from school.]