Atomic Rising

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GreatestJournal Unknown Sep 12, 2006
Nov 14, 2006

Atomic Rising was a mutant / alien original character game. There were The Twelve, aliens from the planet Socad who were buried underground on the outskirts of Oppidan until they were uncovered by a meteor shower in 1986. The Twelve emerged as five-year-old children who were they adopted. The exposure to the meteor rocks (which had come from Socad) had damaged their memories so that they did not know that they were aliens or have any knowledge of their special powers (which would surface during puberty). Additionally, any humans who got any Socadium from the meteor rocks into their bloodstreams became "meteor freaks" or mutants, with some kind of power. Besides the meteor shower in 1986, there was another one in 2001 that hit Oppidan.
